If you have followed my blog or FB page at all, you know that I absolutely adore Jenna @ Lacquistry! She is a freakin' polish-making goddess, and is a total sweetheart to boot! So, when I had the opportunity to request a custom order from her a while back, I jumped on the chance!
I have already posted about one of my customs, "Hawaiian Sunset". Next up is "Sand & Sea".
Jenna says, "First up, you asked for something involving the beach and sand. I came up with something for you combining 9 different shapes, sizes and colors. We have the ocean represented by a "salty" cool oceanic blue (hey that rhymed!) sprinkled with mini holo sea green hexs' and light blue holo hexs'. The sand meets the sea with an "un-gold" true shimmering sand color- achieved by blending 3 different fine sand colors and a sand colored mini-hex for size interest. I kept it more of a cool-toned, misty day as opposed to a bright sunny day, if that makes sense."
I think it makes PERFECT sense!!
I mean, look at that freakin' BLING!! And it is totally the SAND & SEA. Well, technically, this is the Ocean (Newport Beach, CA to be exact), but whatever! These are the cool colors of the Pacific, as opposed to the bright aqua's of like the Carribbean, and I LOVE it! I am totally amazed that she was able to get the color of the beach into a bottle!!
The other polishes in my mani are Zoya's "Charla" and a water marble fail of a gold & silver Pure Ice polish (I'm too lazy to find the names, and I'm too bitter to care). I actually painted "Charla" over the other failed water marbles, since I've heard she stains like a beeotch, so hopefully this layering will help avoid that.
Here's another pic in the sun, cuz that's how I roll!
For a little more drama to this story, this is actually the 2nd version of "Sand & Sea". The first exploded in the mail, and arrived like this:
We think it was due to the heat, since it was like 110 degrees in Arizona, and about that here in Cali during the transit time, and it actually had to bake in my metal mailbox all day until I got home from work. It was obviously well-wrapped, so it doesn't seem likely that was the culprit. At any rate, Jenna promptly made a replacement one, which made it home safe & sound (obviously, duh!).
Sorry, it seems like I gush whenever I have something to say about Lacquistry, but I've loved every single polish of hers I've gotten (I'm up to 20). She's also the one that got me hooked into this nail community; I accidentally stumbled upon "Autumn Flurries" in an Etsy treasury and the rest is history. Also, Jenna is a true artist who really cares about her craft, and I deeply admire her talent. Did I mention she's also like the coolest person ever?
Jenna is currently finishing up her custom orders (she's not taking any more at this time), and has announced that she will start stocking her Etsy Shop soon. Keep an eye on her Facebook Page for updates, and to also check out the other custom polishes she's made for other lucky customers. I can't wait to get me more Lacquistry!!