
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

So I've been gone quite a while...

Hi there!  So, I've fallen out of the polish world because of some hefty life demands: 2 young boys in soccer, recent promo to HR Mgr, and enrollment into a Master's degree program.  I'm quite a busy girl, and something has to give, so my nail polish, along with my other crafty pursuits, have taken a back seat.

But I finally took the time to do my nails.  I mean, to really DO my nails.  Of course I've slapped some paint on them, but nothing really blog-worthy.  So yesterday, when I was supposed to be doing homework, I sat down and did this:
So lovely!  Although my striping could definitely use some improvement, it's not too shabby.  I love my mani, and I hope to be able to keep my nails nice and long for a while...I've been paying more attention to them and have been slathering on the nail cream and cuticle oil lately, and I think that's why they've stopped breaking so often.  

I'm so happy with my cute nails!  I'm going to have to keep carving out some time for them...